Out Now: Episode 415: Registered Apprenticeship Programs in the Clean Energy Sector With Dr. Janell Hills

Happiness Is Leading Factor of Workplace Influence

How Happiness Impacts You at Work 

This article is Part 4 of an ongoing series on influence in work, life, and the workplace.  In Part 1, we discussed how someone is determined influential.  In Part 2, the subject of online social media and influence was discussed and how it is tragically misunderstood.  In Part 3, we discussed how and why to build professional influence.  How Happiness […]

How the 2012 Summer Olympics Inspire You to Dream BIG

Inspiration Lessons From the Olympics

I’m an Olympic junkie!  I’ve downloaded the app to my iPhone & iPad, book-marked the scheduled events, and claimed my seat on the couch! I am gripped by the collective frenzy. I am moved by the cheesy human-interest stories. I am mesmerized by the breathtaking views of Buckingham Palace, the Royal Parks and English countryside.  […]

Why Every Female Executive Should be Over 40 & Childless

Earlier this week NextGen’s blog went viral with an article from a 2012 recent grad who stated, that every social media manager should be under 25.  I read the blog.  It was ridiculous. I got angry, and then I had a moment of clarity.  The author is young, inexperienced, and clearly lacking the bigger picture […]

Effective Communciation Is Single Most Important Manager Trait

Manager Communication Strategy

In HR we try to impress on managers the importance of consistent and effective communication. It is  best way to avoid many problems and misunderstandings is by communicating with employees.  A solid communication strategy helps managers remain consistent in their messaging and aids in developing a employee/boss relationship founded on trust and respect. Science of […]

4 Ways to Prevent Burnout in a Startup

How to Avoid Employee Burnout

Could you work 130 hours a week and not get burnt out? Some believe that’s what it takes to be successful, particularly in a startup environment. Could you do that and still perform at 100 percent? Though working all the time may not the most healthy thing, the fact is many people do so…whether it’s […]