Out Now: Episode 415: Registered Apprenticeship Programs in the Clean Energy Sector With Dr. Janell Hills

College internship 101: Tips for a successful first day

Congratulations on scoring an internship! You made it through what was likely a nerve-wracking interview process, and now you get to intern at a great company where you’ll no doubt learn a lot about the field you hope to enter following graduation. But if you’re like many interns, you might not know exactly what to wear or […]

An Overview of Employee Performance Monitoring

Monitoring Employees Performance

Employees become anxious when they believe their boss is constantly watching them. Therefore, actively monitoring an employee’s Internet use can breed resentment and raise difficult moral and legal issues. Employers are allowed to monitor their own equipment to track employee performance or detect inappropriate behavior. But there are right and wrong ways to go about […]

Making Connections: Networking Tips for Extroverts

Best Practices for Extrovert Networking

Extroverts appear to have an advantage when it comes to networking, at least on the surface. Their innate propensity for making relationships and approaching strangers seems ideal for gatherings like conferences and job fairs. Extroverts are known for their gregariousness and propensity to dominate conversations, yet these traits can occasionally backfire. For advice on how […]

Being a Pretend-extrovert: Networking Tips for Introverts

Tips for Introverts to Shine at Conferences and Events

For introverts, the idea of professional networking—particularly in a face-to-face scenario—is a daunting one well outside the typical shy, quiet person’s comfort zone. But as introvert expert Susan Cain points out in her 16-point Manifesto, “Sometimes it helps to be a pretend-extrovert. There’s always time to be quiet later.” Take her wisdom to heart and […]

3 Ways To Make Your Résumé Stand Out From the Crowd

How to distinguish yourself on paper How To Distinguish Yourself On Paper

An ocean of paper They come without ceasing. Daily, they arrive to pile up in someone’s “To Do” basket. Ivory-colored pages of expensive, heavy stock share the same basket with copy paper ones. An occasional bright pink page incongruously blasts its color past the old-fashioned versions. Human resource offices have tried to do away with […]